This is certainly not an exhaustive list of basher install
-ready repo’s. Basher can figure out for hundreds of packages how to install/uninstall them. This list is just the 102 ones we checked or that were submitted by the authors.
acmesh-official/ A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol |
alebcay/pushblast Get PushBullet notifications when a shell program exits. |
alexmyczko/fnt apt for fonts, the missing font manager for macOS/linux |
amancevice/spin Execute a command and display a scrolling block of logs… |
anti-ddos/Anti-DDOS Anti DDOS - Bash Script Project |
arzzen/git-quick-stats simple and efficient way to access various git statistics |
arzzen/pert CLI utility to estimate tasks using PERT |
bashup/dotenv Programmatically parse/read/edit .env files (docker-compose format) |
bashup/gitea-cli Extensible, configurable command-line API client for gitea and gogs |
bashup/jqmd Write and document your jq/shell scripts with markdown |
bashup/mdsh bash script compiler and interpreter for markdown files |
bats-core/bats-core unit testing framework for bash |
beautifulcode/ssh-copy-id-for-OSX Quick Mac OSX port of the useful unix utility ssh-copy-id… |
benlinton/slugify Bash command that converts filenames and directories to a web… |
benvsh/benv Virtual Environments for Basher |
bltavares/kickstart Agentless configuration manager in Bash |
Calinou/0x0 curl wrapper script to upload local or remote files to… |
cfenollosa/bashblog create a blog with bash |
chadbraunduin/markdown.bash Markdown to HTML |
chrismytton/shoreman A shell implementation of Foreman. |
coderofsalvation/kanban.bash commandline asciii kanban board for minimalist productivity hackers & managers… |
connermcd/gtd A simple shell script for effective time management. |
Cyclenerd/static_status 🚦Bash script to generate a static status page. |
dehydrated-io/dehydrated letsencrypt/acme client implemented as a shell-script – just add water… |
dnmfarrell/jp A JSON Parser written in shell |
dominictarr/ a pipeable JSON parser written in Bash |
dominictarr/ bash script to connect to wifi (on linux) |
drduh/Purse GPG asymmetric (YubiKey) password manager |
drduh/ GPG symmetric password manager |
dylanaraps/fff A simple file manager written in bash |
dylanaraps/neofetch command-line system information tool |
dylanaraps/pfetch A pretty system information tool |
ekalinin/github-markdown-toc Easy TOC creation for GitHub |
fcambus/ansiweather Weather in terminal, with ANSI colors and Unicode symbols |
fidian/ansi ANSI escape codes in pure bash - change text color,… |
| radion is an internet radio TUI client |
HamzaKerem/dl POSIX compliant script for downloading content to a specified directory… |
holman/spark sparklines for your shell |
icyphox/shlide slide deck presentation tool written in pure bash |
isaacs/nave Virtual Environments for Node |
jamesob/desk lightweight workspace manager for the shell |
javier-lopez/shundle plugin manager for general purpose shells |
jirutka/esh templating engine for evaluating shell commands |
jlevy/pdiffjson View and diff JSON the easy way |
jsspencer/pomo A simple Pomodoro timer written in bash. |
kdabir/has checks presence/versions of various command line tools |
KittyKatt/screenFetch Fetches system/theme information in terminal for Linux desktop screenshots. |
laurent22/rsync-time-backup Time Machine style backup with rsync. |
lingtalfi/task-manager A task manager for your daily tasks |
lordvlad/clock Track your working hours on the command line |
LuRsT/hr a horizontal ruler for your terminal |
madx/git-identity Manage your identity in Git |
mbucc/shmig Database migration tool written in BASH. |
molovo/lumberjack logging interface for shell scripts |
molovo/revolver A progress spinner for ZSH scripts |
nathanabercrombie/bash-file-warp A bash tool to move or copy a file from… |
newsdict/bash-backup A simple backup shell script |
NNBnh/bfetch 📠 Dynamic fetch displayer that SuperB |
NNBnh/coderun ⏯️ Code runner CLI that can run any languages |
NNBnh/terminal-explorer 📋 Bring file manager’s copy/paste to the CLI (WIP) |
odb/shml Style Framework for The Terminal |
p8952/bocker Docker implemented in around 100 lines of bash |
paoloantinori/hhighlighter A command line tool to highlight terms |
paulirish/git-open Type git open to open the GitHub page |
pawamoy/shelldemo Run a set of Bash commands as if typed by… |
pforret/bashew bash script creator |
pforret/crontask Use to call scripts or URLs from a crontab file,… |
pforret/font Manage installed fonts from CLI (Linux/MacOS) |
pforret/ghlookup Get info on Github repositories via API |
pforret/jekyll_taxonomy Generate tag and category pages for Jekyll static sites |
pforret/m1_homebrew Install homebrew in native mode on Apple MacOS ARM (M1)… |
pforret/note Manage your notes, todo, … with this nifty script CLI/bash… |
pforret/progressbar Easy, clever progress bar for (bash) scripts |
pforret/rexec repeat a command and be alerted when the output changes… |
pforret/setver bash semver setter for composer, npm, bash |
pforret/shlaunch Launch application from CLI (pure bash) |
pforret/shlorem Lorem Ipsum generator for the command line (pure bash) |
pforret/shtext Text manipulation in bash, by always using the fastest method… |
pforret/shwiki Wikipedia CLI in bash |
pforret/splashmark download and markup of Unsplash photos |
pgrange/bash_unit bash unit testing enterprise edition framework |
qzb/ Human readable conditions for bash |
rauchg/wifi-password Get the password of the wifi you’re on |
raylee/tldr-sh-client Simplified and community-driven man pages |
Red5d/pushbullet-bash Bash interface to the PushBullet API |
rylnd/shpec Test your shell scripts! |
sapegin/shipit Minimalistic SSH deployment |
sdushantha/tmpmail A temporary email right from your terminal |
shellspec/shellspec A full-featured BDD unit testing framework for bash, ksh, zsh,… |
sickill/bitpocket DIY Dropbox or 2-way directory (r)sync with proper deletion |
sorokine/phases Minimally Invasive bash Preprocessor |
tests-always-included/mo Mustache templates in pure bash |
tj/ substack’s cipherhub as a shell script |
tj/n Node version management |
unforswearing/lnks Print and / or save your Google Chrome links from… |
vaniacer/sshto Small bash script to manage your ssh connections. It builds… |
weakish/gister command line tool to sync github gists |
Wowu/docker-rollout 🚀 Zero Downtime Deployment for Docker Compose |
xsc/bashing create single-file Bash tools |
xvoland/Extract Bash function for extracting files |
xzhih/one-key-hidpi Enable macOS HiDPI and have a native setting. |
zertrin/ Bash wrapper script for automated backups with duplicity supporting Amazon’s… |