Now 83 packages in the package directory
12 May 2021Some more basher install
ready packages have been added to the basher package directory, up to a total of 83 now.
The 10 most popular packages are:
- dylanaraps/neofetch: 12K stars
- arzzen/git-quick-stats: 4.7K stars
- rauchg/wifi-password: 3.5K stars
- dylanaraps/fff: 3.2K stars
- paulirish/git-open: 2.5K stars
- bats-core/bats-core: 2.4K stars
- jamesob/desk: 2.4K stars
- laurent22/rsync-time-backup: 2.4K stars
- sdushantha/tmpmail: 2.2K stars
- dominictarr/ 1.9K stars